Thursday, April 30, 2009

Saving or Spending?

Are you of the mind to buy things when they're on sale and stockpile them in order to save money? Or do you look at people who do that and say No, you're just spending money you wouldn't have otherwise if it wasn't on sale.

I haven't quite decided what it is that I do. Probably a little of both...a little saving money and sometimes just spending money that I wouldn't have.

I really am trying to save us money these days...

Hop on over to Midwest Parents to read what I'm doing. Let's compare notes.

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for a different kind of girl said...

We're working really hard on saving money, but I tend to go back and forth on the stockpile thing. If something is on sale and I definitely can see it's a good savings and wer're definitely bound to use the item, I'll stock up. That's usually household products or the random foodstuffs that aren't perishable.

On the other hand, I'm on this mascara buying kick and right now, the kind I like allows me to get a buy one, get one free deal, and it's all I can do not to buy a ton of it at that savings. That is more a frivolous way I toss out money I shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

You do a great job!! Amma

Mom Thumb said...

I only stockpile stuff I would buy anyway. If a jug of coffee is three dollars off, I'll buy three, because it will get used. Or my grocery will have Knorr sides 10 for $10 so I get ten. And I do plan my meals around meats that are on sale.

louann said...

If I know that I will really, really need it then I go ahead and buy it and stockpile it.

We've also cut down on take out and eating out-- I do miss it a lot though.

Sammanthia said...

I rarely stockpile even though it would make more sense to do so. I've got a ton a cupboard space but I don't have things organized very well so I don't have a lot of room. Shoot. Now I'm in the mood to reorganize my kitchen and save some money!;)

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