Saturday, April 25, 2009

And The Bear Grumbles On

Thunderstorms returned yesterday. I missed them. I think it's partly the promise of a cool-down after a hot humid day that makes me enjoy a good storm. The high yesterday reached 92. 92 glorious degrees. I love warm/hot weather. Obviously I live in the wrong state.

I took the kids to the park after school yesterday. It was windy and hot. The kids were wearing shorts and were full of energy. By afternoon I'd stripped the baby down to just a onesie and had scoured my closet for summer clothes that still fit me. The shorts I found fit just right, but every shirt I found hung tent-like on me. It was a nice problem to have. I wore the tent-shirt anyway. If people were embarrassed at a glimpse of my bra so be it. It was hot and I have lost weight.

We were at the park for almost an hour before the dark clouds began to creep over our heads. The kids were oblivious, they were having such fun running around. K's face was flushed a bright red within minutes, M was finding new friends at every turn and D was sampling bits of sand and sticks. (Yum!)

I corralled the kids into the car and reached home before the first raindrops fell. They fell hard and fast and were gone in minutes. The sun returned and the kids spent some time outside playing in the sand while Craig trucked sand from the pile to the back yard where the cement slab for the addition will eventually be poured.

D and I were inside for a while, me rolling her ball to her-her picking it up and hurling it randomly and laughing hysterically. I had to grab the video camera and recorded her for almost 15 minutes. I realized I didn't record her much over this almost full year of her life. Bad, bad Mommy. So that's why I probably over-compensated last night but it was fun to hear those deep belly baby laughs. Those laughs are what I will miss most when all my babies are grown.

The storms didn't return to our area of the city until after the older two kids were in bed. D was fussing and fighting sleep so her daddy was trying his hand at rocking her to Lullaby Land when the first low grumbles, like a hungry bear, lumbered in. Within minutes both M and K were at the top of the stairs, scared to admit they were out of their beds, yet too scared by the "boomers" to sleep.

I ushered them into Craig's and my bedroom and the three of us lay there listening as the grumbly bear moved on to another cave to find his meal. I had M's hand in my hand and our hands rested on K's leg. I whispered I love you guys and moments later I could hear K's soft snores. I can no longer hear M when she sleeps which astounds me still.

When I left them in our bed K's hand was resting on M's chest, comforted by his big sister's presence even in slumber.

3 people like me!:

Jules said...

Yay! I love this post. We have the same gig here. Though, D is trying to love them - because of his daddy.

chelle said...

awww such beauty. I love a good thunder storm!

Madeline said...

That is so sweet! No wonder you love storms, they bring your family together.
Congrats on the tent like shirts. Same thing happened to me when I pulled out my summer gear. I had no idea that I had lost THAT much weight. It certainly is a nice problem to have.

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