Friday, April 24, 2009

Hi, I'm Heather and I Have a Lack of Cleaning Problem. Hi Heather!

I can admit it, I am not the most fastidious person about keeping the house clean. Honestly, Craig is the one that does most of the cleaning. I'm lazy I suppose. I take the poem about "rocking my baby and babies don't keep" a little too seriously.

There are things that need to be done. And I do try. I try to get the things done that need to be done. I do the laundry. Let's face it, actually washing and drying the clothes are about the easiest chore there is. I mean honestly. The machines do all the work. It's the putting away the laundry that gets me. There is a full laundry basket of clothes sitting in Miss M's room that I ran out of ambition to put away last weekend. On the plus side, I had put away K's (okay so Craig helped with that too) and Ms. D's clothes so it wasn't a total wash. (ha ha. me funny with the pun)

Dusting? Fuggedaboudit. Maybe three times a year whether it needs it or not.

I used to have a weekly schedule where I'd change the sheets one day, vaccuum another day, laundry another day. I wonder what happened to that?

Oh yeah. I had a third child.

And did I mention I'm lazy?

I'm going to start that cleaning schedule again. I promise. Honey? Honey? He totally believes me.

I do try to make things as easy as possible on myself. I have laundry sorters. One each for towels, socks and underwear, darks, whites and reds. I have several laundry baskets. One for each of the kids. One for Craig and I. One for the towels and such.

Last weekend I talked Craig into buying two of these pantries for our utility room. We usually have cases of pop and water laying on the floor, plus cat food, and a million other things.

Our utility room looks much better already. Now to tackle the huge pile of shoes. Any suggestions how to tame that mess?


PBN and Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner are rounding up posts on how we clean. Get in on the action by writing your own post and submitting it to PBN. They're giving away one $250 VISA gift card to one lucky blogger who participates.

Aweigh post below.

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Amber said...

I say get a basket to help tame the shoes. Either one of each person, or for each type of shoes. Flip flops, tennis, boots, etc.

Anonymous said...

Like the cabinets! Amma

Hip Mom's Guide said...

Yeah, you don't want any cleaning advice from me. Mine would be: pay someone. Nice, huh?

Also, I think having a third child excuses us from focusing on dust. I mean, really?! friends who clean all of the time. How? When? Ah, least you have a blog. :)

Madeline said...

I feel you. I'm so not a cleaner, but there's no one else to do it around here. I'm training Levi. He's a good study.
The shoes...when ours get out of hand, I give some away. That way I don't have to keep them in order.

chelle said...

I try but dusting is my foe. Laundry I do well, but that is because I do it almost everyday. One load, wash dry put away right away. It is annoying but works well.

Damselfly said...

I used to have a daily schedule like that too. Now, cleaning is catch as catch can. Or however you say that. It must be hard with three children.

louann said...

Sorry Heather, I'm just here to say that I can totally relate with you. =) Cleaning is not my friend although I try. I enjoy doing the laundry a lot more.

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