Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm Rocking My Baby

Life with kids is never dull, as anyone with children will tell you. Sometimes it can even be downright chaotic. Adding a new baby to the family stirs things up for a while as well, until a new routine develops into a new normal. It seems to take me at least 6 months to adjust to the new rhythm of life, although in some ways I feel I’ve adjusted quicker and other ways I still haven’t adjusted.

One of those ways that I still haven’t adjusted is trying to get household tasks done with three children around the house. My husband, thankfully, has picked up much of the slack that I have seemed unable to get accomplished. The three kids needed to be fed, the baby needed to be changed, M needed help with homework, K needed a cuddle. The housework has fallen to a distant spot on the priority list.

In some ways I think that is fine. It’s a temporary lapse and the house does eventually get cleaned and organized again. My kids won’t always need me so much and when the day arrives that I’m not needed I will long for these busy days.

In other ways I know that there are still things that need to be done and the children need to learn patience and need to learn to wait.

My task for the New Year is to find a balance between doing for and being with my kids and getting household tasks done. At one time I had established a cleaning schedule that I think I need to reinstate.

So in January I will set up a task or two to do each day. Perhaps it will be laundry on Monday, dusting on Tuesday and vacuuming on Wednesday. Or perhaps I’ll schedule the tasks all on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Whatever I develop for my new routine, I know I need those guidelines, those deadlines, if you will, to keep myself on track.

Write about how you plan to have fewer circus acts around your house in 2009 and you could win a $250 Target gift card from Big Tent and PBN. Details available at PBN.

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Anonymous said...

I almost always put the kids needs first before housework. Granted there are times where I have to get it done but I have found my balance for now. I have to have a schedule though. Mondays are for bathrooms, Tuesday bedrooms, wednesday garbage's & kitchen, Thursday living room and Friday leftover to do's ... If not I would never get it done!

louann said...

I'm with you. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning. And its true, at first everything is chaotic. But as the years pass and the kids get older, things start to mellow down and fall right into place. I guess we just need to enjoy the moment.

Angi said...

I've thought of scheduling things too - but I am such a procrastinator (there are CRAFTS to be done, you know?) that I would not stick to it anyway. I do, however, think it would make me feel guilty and *might* make me more accountable.

Hmmm...maybe I'll try it come January 1st, or 5th :)

Anonymous said...

Let me know if/how you find that balance. I'm constantly oscilating between the two extremes.

Don Mills Diva said...

Let me know if it works - I only have one and yet I constantly feel pulled in a million directions..

for a different kind of girl said...

I feel this way, even with two kids who are old enough to do some of the helping out. I used to be much more highly organized and committed to doing things throughout the day/week so that I could focus fun and attention on my family. I need to get that working for me again. I used to follow the FlyLady techniques, and think I'm going to kick that into gear again soon.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Good thoughts, Heather! Your kids are little, you're right - give yourself a break. You do a ton. I'm going to try to get to this blog blast, but, you know, organization...

Anonymous said...

With just one I feel the same way. Everyone else's needs always come first with me, Munchkin, Hubby, father. Ugh! I'm with you on the New Year and putting together a schedule. I'll be adding exercise to my list of "things to do for me" as well. (I consider keeping the house clean as something for me as it cuts down on my stress!)

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