Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sometimes That's How it Goes, Literally

When your son begins the day by falling in the toilet it’s hard to not think it’s an indication of how the day is going to go.

Thursday morning K came into the bathroom to talk to me and entertain D while I was in the shower. He wanted to sit on the toilet, since it really is the only chair in the bathroom besides D’s Baby Papasan. The problem with that plan is that the lid was left open, so instead of having a nice perch, K fell right into the bowl.

This produced a swift and immediate meltdown until I reminded him that he really could just get dressed and all would be fine again. On a positive note, the toilet had been flushed after the last person used it and that doesn’t always happen around these parts. Note to self: K needs more sleep.

Having dealt with the first crisis of the morning without raising my voice (go me!) I continued with my morning routine. I stepped on the scale as I do every morning because I’m stupid. Step on. I have gained 4 pounds since Friday. Step off. Step on again. Yep. Still 4 pounds. Damn you Little Debbie for making your snack cakes so tempting and so affordable.

Then I realized it could also be the 2 big chocolate chip cookies from Panera that I ate after I took K to preschool. Or maybe the sticks of sharp cheddar cheese conveniently packaged in individual wrappers. Or those cute little mints. Holy hell I’ve eaten a lot of junk in the last few days.

We managed to get dressed and eat breakfast and headed to take Miss M to school. The ride there was pretty normal, with me trying to drive and at the same time trying to monitor the location of the big brother’s hands in relation to the little sister. Let’s just say he likes to pick on his little sister already. Fun times.

At school, I backed into a space to wait for the doors to open. They make the kids stand outside until 8:40 and let me say I would be a bit chilled standing in line for even 5 minutes. I don’t make M stand in the cold. However, as soon as I threw the car in park I heard a click that sounded suspiciously like K’s seatbelt behind me.

“Oops,” he muttered, knowing immediately he’d made a grievous error in judgment. K can’t buckle himself. In fact, it took M a good 2 months before she figured out how to buckle herself in again after we added Ms. D’s car seat in the middle.

“I can do it Mom,” he insisted, although not sounding all that optimistic. Naturally, the school doors opened and the kids began to file in while K tried to refasten his belt.

Normally this wouldn’t be that big of a deal and I would just hop out and do it for him quickly. However, it is rather chilly out and I’ve yet to see the phrase freezing your ass off actually work, in practice.

I sucked it up and jumped out to re-do his belt, then drove up the drop-off lane to let Miss M out. There is always one person that parks their car in the lane, then gets out and walks their child into the building. Why not just park in a real spot since, you know, you’re not really dropping off if you park and get out of the car?

On the way back home I was treated to my son insisting that he has no toys, when in fact he has 527,990 and those are just the ones that he hasn’t broken yet.

Needless to say, I was thrilled that the day was going so fantastically, and was relieved to note that it was only 9 a.m. and I would have several more hours of this day to go.

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Kirsetin Morello said...

Oh, Heather, I am sorry to laugh at your expense, but this is really quite funny.

I have to agree about the people who park in the drop-off lane. Drives me nuts!

Tomorrow should be better. Just make sure the lid is down. :)

anymommy said...

I have so many days like this, I count the good ones instead. Not really, I'm sure, but it feels like it at times. People that don't follow drop off rules drive me insane. Mutter into my SB chai insane.

Anonymous said...

Ouch only Nine eh?
Those mornings are rough.

Anonymous said...

It's so refreshing to read this. Really. It's not just me?! You detailed this all so well; I'm totally with you, I get it, and wow, so sorry, like Hip Mom said, to laugh at your expense.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Fun stuff. Ain't parenting great!

Awesome Mom said...

I know how you feel. It is going to be a long winter. The best part about warmer weather is that you can send them outside and not have to listen to them whine all the time.

Kara said...

Your sense of humor helps a lot during days like this, right?

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