Sunday, November 30, 2008

Festival Festivities part two

We took the kids to see the trees on Friday. It was children's day, so Santa was there, plus there was a puppet show (which was really fantastic in all honesty) and several carnival games and crafts that you could do if you purchased tickets.

The kids weren't as thrilled with the trees this year because of the carnival games and such. Previous years they've thought the trees were wonderful to look at but it is hard to compete with a Tigger bounce house.

I also ran into one person I knew in high school that I haven't seen since then. She didn't recognize me, because I'm bigger than I was in high school, but I was also very, very thin in high school. We're talking, I'm 5 foot 8 and I was 120, 125 in high school. Let's just say that won't be happening ever again for me.

And I ran into a girl that the boy I dated for 4 years in high school cheated on me with. That was fun. Actually, not that bad. She's married to one of my old friends now. (who was originally one of my ex-boyfriend's friends) Awkward! But it's been years and we're all old and hopefully moved on. Unless they are still pining over me. Which is possible since I'm so wonderful. Ha.

So! Photos of the fun day (not so awkward!):

D was fascinated with Santa.

5 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

awww totally love the photos!
Your stories make me so glad I am no where near my home town! hehe

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a fun day! Really cute pic of D with Santa, I also like the last one, the twinkling lights in the background is really pretty.

Kate said...

Oooh, the meeting with that woman was awkward, but oh well! SO high school, right? The pictures are awesome! The kids look like they had a great time.

Damselfly said...

How fun!

louann said...

Eventful day =)

Nice shots =) Especially like the last photo.

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