Saturday, November 29, 2008

Festival Festivities Part One

As I said before, this year I (along with others) decorated TWO trees for the Festival of Trees. We donated all of the decorations, so we went to the opening night gala. Here are Craig and I all dressed up: (happens roughly once a year)

You can't tell in the photo, but I am wearing a dress. And heels. Heels that killed my feet. But I looked decent, so there's that.

Also, Craig is looking handsome in that train tie, eh? Look at those dimples too. That's where Ms. D got them. The third kid finally gets the cute dimples. (that she'll most likely hate because she doesn't know how cute they are)

Here is the tree that Craig, me, M and K decorated:
Before the gala begins, the trees get bought by the underwriters. They are split into groups and have to be the first one to the tree that they want if they want a particular tree. The people that bought the fairy tree was chosen by the wife of an accountant. She was showing her husband the
tree she picked and bought for his office as Craig and I were just standing by the tree. She suddenly turned and noticed us watching and listening. "You didn't design this one did you?" she asked. I told her we had, with our children. "Oh! I really wanted this one. I actually tripped someone else to get here first!"
So, that pretty much made it all worthwhile for me. Someone liked a tree I worked on so much that she was willing to maim someone else. Ahhh charity.
Actually, we overheard several complimentary comments about both trees. That makes me feel all special.

6 people like me!:

Sandy said...

They were both very nice trees. Before our kids knew you designed them, they declared both of them "really cool."

for a different kind of girl said...

Everything looks beautiful! How nice to know the effort and time put into it was so admired!

ewe are here said...

Love the fairy tree.

And you both look great ... always fun to get a dressy night out once in a while.

Anonymous said...

awww how wonderful!
You two are sooooo cute!
The fairy tree is awesome!

Mayberry said...

Congratulations. You look great and so does your tree!

Damselfly said...

You people look fantastic! And so do your trees. What a great idea for an event.

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