Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Random Thoughts #17

  1. I went to set up a Christmas Tree for the Festival of Trees that 3 of my friends and I decorated. It looks lovely. If you live in Rochester or near Rochester you should go. Really.
  2. I had my 2nd OB appointment. My doctor was a bit worried because of the weight I have lost and how I sounded coughing. She brought in the portable ultrasound machine again because they start to think "twins" when they see weight loss like this I guess. The Munchkin (only one!) was waving at Craig, K and I. K waved back. My doctor also gave me THREE prescriptions to try to make me be healthy again. So, I now have another antibiotic, an inhaler and some cough syrup with codeine. I'm going to sleep tonight! (Have I mentioned that I love my doctor?)
  3. The kids had their flu shots. It went well, with minimal tears, which is always good.
  4. The doctor we saw for M's bladder infection keeps calling because he wants her to have an ultrasound to check on her bladder function...complete with a catheter. Um, no. That's not going to happen. I told him to send the info to our regular physician to see if she really thinks this is necessary (which I doubt). M has had 2 bladder infections in almost 2 years. I don't think that warrants inserting a catheter into my 5-year-old. Soooo, I'm a little ticked at this doctor. He must enjoy inflicting unnecessary pain on young girls.

4 people like me!:

Alex Elliot said...

I'm so glad you're getting meds! My ob was convinced I was having twins with my second one. Apparently I had all the class symptoms whatever they are.

Kara said...

I can't wait to see the tree!!!

As for M's bladder infections, go with what YOUR doc says. You obviously trust that person. I'll be thinking about her! I wish her good health and you too!

Mrs. Swizzle said...

Hope the meds help. And I hope you and ALL of yours feel better!

Anonymous said...

eeps glad you are well armed to get better!

The catheter does sound very invasive for only two infections.

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