Monday, November 26, 2007

Celebrate at the Zebras...Final week!

Here it is, the last week of giveaways!

The final offerings:

I'm Afraid of the Vampire State Building: Wit and Wisdom from the Two-to-Seven Set by Patti Greenberg Wollman and Merrill Feinstein-Feit

Just as the title suggests, this book is a compilation of the funny things kids say.

"Three-year-old Chad wanted to tell his grandfather about a conversation he had had with his mother. 'Grandpa lives 300 miles away,' explained his mother, 'but you can write him a letter.'

Chad thought carefully for a minute, then made his decision: 'I think I'll write him an M.'"

The other offering is a novel: Her Daughter's Eyes by Jessica Barksdale Inclan. This is the story of a seventeen-year-old pregnant girl who keeps her pregnancy a secret from everyone but her younger sister. The girls' mother is dead and their father is distracted by his demanding girlfriend. They plan to care for the child by themselves...

So, just like the previous weeks, post the button if you haven't already, or link to the giveaway on your blog then leave me a comment on this post telling me which (or both) book you want to win!

Read the full rules here.

Week 3 winners: (Drawn by

How to Talk to Your Baby: Amanda
It's a Mom Thing: JasonandCaryn

Drop me an email with your names and addresses so I can send you your winnings!

(I plan to get all of the winnings in the mail the first week of December sometime!)

5 people like me!:

Liberty said...

I have linked to you! Both books sound wonderful, especially Her Daughter's Eyes! Enter me for either!

Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone participating!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Swizzle said...

H, I added your button to my sidebar and will likely add a post later today.

Either book sounds great, so enter me for either one.


Damselfly said...

Vampire State Building, hee hee!

Anonymous said...

interesting books.

blogged ya:

Rockin' Mama said...

Both books look interesting...especially Her Daughter's Eyes...

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