Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Knocking me down another notch

After fielding what felt like 4000 questions from Miss M about the operation of the car I tried to end the inquisition with an exasperated You can't drive until you're 16 anyway.

Oh, she said, are you 16?

I'm more than 16, I admitted, rather stupidly.

Oh, are you like 25?

Yeah. (Oh be quiet! I can be 25 if I want to!)

Wow. That's soooo old.

Imagine the reaction I'd have gotten had I told her my real age.

2 people like me!:

Damselfly said...

I know it's wrong, but I've decided to tell Fly I'm like 10 years younger than I really am! (Let's see how long that lasts!)

Angi said...

LOL, my kids do not understand how I am OLDER yet SMALLER than my hubby! :)

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