Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Vacation recap: Day Three (June 18, 2007)

The day begins with rain again and the resort-planned children's activity for the morning is forced indoors. M, K and I, along with B and E made the annual tye-dye t-shirts. (They were wearing last year's in the photo I posted yesterday.) I was so relieved that they could make t-shirts again since M told me about 400 times the week before we left that she was going to make another t-shirt.
After much deliberation, the ladies, Myron and Justin decided to head to Walker for some shopping. Of course, on the way there the weather cleared and was beautiful, much like what happened to us last year when we went.

My Mom, Kristi and I went to Christmas Point and the ice cream shop. Mmm ice cream for lunch. We also made a 15 minute stop in the pharmacy to try to decide what type of ankle brace to get Kristi since she hurt her foot. Who knew there were that many options for foot care?
M did some video-game playing. She's remarkably good at the fighting shoot 'em up type game (no idea what it's called) that they have there. I'm a little worried. She told my Mom that they needed to go play the game so they could break all the records. "Oh yeah!" The games, incidentally, are free.

We arrived back to the resort in time for me to take a shorter dip in the lake before I had to start chopping toppings for our taco supper (my day to cook supper).

Miss M went down the water slide more, and jumped off the floating platform with her Dad a few times. K stayed on the beach, driving trucks and digging holes, most likely making "supper."

After we ate the DELICIOUS tacos that Craig and I prepared, the men went fishing while the kids had popcorn and we attempted to get them to watch a movie.

The kids were having too much fun playing with the glow-in-the-dark tops that I had bought at the Dollar Tree before we left to pay any attention to the movie. They were playing hide-and-seek with the tops and having a blast so it was still good.

When Craig came in from fishing (Keepers: 0) he got both of the kids to bed!

Grown-up movie of the night: National Lampoon's Vacation

1 people like me!:

Damselfly said...

I love the photo of standing on chairs to see the video game!

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