Little man K didn't want to put his costume on, but once we were out trick-or-treating, he thought it was the bomb, of course. He'd wait until M and B and E (the older kids) got their candy, then he'd stick his little Thomas bucket out. The homeowner would place the bounty of candy in his bucket...and K would then shout "Trick-or-Treat! . . . Thank you!"
So his rhythm was a bit off, but his heart was in it completely.
Wednesday night, M had choir practice. Every week she's emerged from the choir room forlorn, with tales of the trophy that got away. "I didn't get "Singer of the week again

This week the craziness stopped. She won it. She was on top of the world. Plus she got to have McDonalds for supper, which we seldom do. (McDonalds...that's another story...the pimply boy who took our order...oy vey!) I think besides Halloween, Wednesday was almost as cool for her.
The trophy is a centerpiece to all that we do.
It's HERS by the way. Don't try to take it.
Today, we went for our flu shots. I had visions of terror and scraping kids off the ceiling, but it all went off in a rather civilized manner.
I went first and hardly cried at all (didn't even feel it) then M went, and freaked out beforehand but then went "No big deal" since I don't think she felt it either. K was calm before "My turn Momma!?" but cried as the shot was administered. Stickers made everyone happy.

(when we got home later and I went to remove the band-aids, K's wasn't even covering the wound. Ha. I guess he's not a bleeder.)
So then we went to Target because I had a feeling the "dollar spot" would be on clearance. M scored a bunch more beads for .25 each package.
She also got a makeup bag for the makeup that Uncle Shawn gave her for her birthday. That, of course, prompted a makeup session. I personally love the pout.
Then the kids decided to let me take a few photos of them together...for a change.
I didn't know I could get a somewhat decent photo of the

And I missed Bunco tonight because of my crappy cold. I've been coughing and blowing my nose...but finally tonight I think I'm on the mend. I just didn't think that a game of touching dice several times a night, and passing them to another person would be very good. Especially since one of the players is immune compromised.
Oh well, I got to watch Survivor, Grey's Anatomy and ER!!

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It sounds like the kids had a nice couple of days, and I'm really glad that Mom is feeling better too!
Love M's makeup, by the way. Annika also likes to put lipstick/gloss outside of the actual lip area. It must be a 4-year-old thing.
Cute pics! Bummer about being sick! Glad to hear you are on your way to feeling better. I missed who got voted off the island last night. Putting the baby to bed and completely missd the last 5 minutes.
I love that makeup shot! She looks so completely sincere and you can just tell how beautiful she thinks she is. Which, of course she is.
I can't wait to hear the story about the pimply boy at McDonalds. I think we had the same boy just this morning. B wanted to know why he had all those "bites" on his face.
Congratulations on her trophy! You can see in that picture how proud she is of herself. Way to go, M!
Hey! I didn't get a sticker when I got MY flu shot! No fair.
That whole thing "his timing was off but his heart was in it" cracked me up. Definitely points awarded for enthusiasm!
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