Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lucky me.

I'm really a pretty lucky person.

Maybe not any luckier than average, but lucky, nonetheless. I'm not talking lucky in the big time sense. I've never won a Powerball Jackpot. In fact, I seldom get even one number right on those tickets. Might be why I don't buy them very often. It gets discouraging.

Now that I wrote that, though: I must rethink it. Maybe I am lucky in the big-time sense. Just depends on your perspective.

  • I was born with meconium in my lungs. The doctor who delivered me saw it and suctioned my lungs immediately. If he hadn't I would be severely disabled.

  • I've done some dangerous things in my past, and never got hurt or hurt anyone else.

  • I worked at an Eagle's Club in college (exciting, I know!) where they played (what else?) bingo one night a week. I won a coin toss to get done with work early and played bingo. I won $200.

  • Craig and I hit it off at a friend's wedding. Before I went I told one of my aunts: "You know, a lot of people meet their future spouse at weddings."

  • I was in the hospital to be induced with my daughter, so I was being monitored. They saw her heart decelerations early and knew she couldn't tolerate labor. Thank God I wasn't laboring at home.

  • Not only was she born healthy, so was my son.

  • Just this weekend Craig and I bought some scratch-off lottery tickets. I bought one ticket, he bought two. Craig won nothing, I won $2.

  • We went to buy a new TV since ours broke a couple of weekends ago. As we're walking to the checkouts the manager asks if I'd be willing to come back on Tuesday (today) and walk through their remodeled "Home Theatre" section. Oh, and for my trouble they'd give me a $100 gift card. Did I go? Of course! $100 for 45 minutes of talking to someone? why not?

But I'm lucky in the most important ways. I have a family. A healthy family. I have a nice home, small, but nice. It keeps us warm and dry. We have plenty of food to eat (as evidenced by my weight!)

Lucky. Yep, that's me.

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Sandy said...

You lucky dog!

I am always reminded of an episode of Seinfeld where George is super lucky, Elaine is really unlucky, and Jerry keeps ending up "even." I usually feel like Jerry, in that for every bad thing that happens to me, something good will even it out.

Kara said...

I remember that episode of Seinfeld too! I'm usually pretty even on my luck too. Aren't we all lucky to have the things that we do?!

Heather said...

I love that episode. I think you've brought up a good point though...maybe I am also more like Jerry. Lose $20, find $20 in my coat pocket. Yes, that's definitely it.

You're so wise, Sandy!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I like the fact that you've identified having a healthy family, food to eat and a dry home as being lucky. Not everyone in every country is that lucky!

Bonnie B said...

You are lucky-- and so am i thanks for reminding me to count my blessings

Angi said...

awww... You're making me feel all lucky too :)

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