Wednesday, September 27, 2006

From mouth of Miss M

A few weeks ago we were driving home from getting groceries and I asked her what she wanted for lunch.

I dunno Mommy.

How about a grilled cheese sandwich and grapes?

Oh, but we can't have that Mommy.


Yes, Daddy's not there to start the grill.

Or, when my Aunt was babysitting last week so Craig and I could attend a grand opening open house for a family business, my Aunt says M told her:

My Mom has a box of wine in the fridge. You can have some if you want.

At least she's a great hostess. (And I know the box of wine is quite classy.)

4 people like me!:

Amy said...

BWAHHAHAHAH! Box of wine! Classic. Take heart, from what I understand the box of wine is gaining popularity among the hip, young college set. You are on the cutting edge there in MN, I tell you.

Sandy said...

ahhh...the box of wine! A good memory from my college years. That, along with Boone's Apple Wine, kept us company many a nights!

Bonnie B said...

That is one sweet child-- you are lucky,. How precious!!

Kara said...

I'm also going to comment on the box of wine--- I laughed because my mom always has that too!

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