Thursday, August 17, 2006

There are places I remember...Washington edition

If I'm to be completely honest, I'd have to say that I don't truely remember a whole lot about living in Washington state. We lived in Port Angeles from when I was about 2 until I was about 4. So I'm sure that some of my "memories" are really just from looking at old photos. For instance, I know that we could see Canada from the neighbors' houses across the street...but only because my Mom sent a photo to my grandparents that said as such.
That's me and my brother, stylin' out in our awesome '70s duds. I have to note, however, that my dress is printed with Winnie-the-Pooh. And Pooh really never goes out of fashion.
But I do have a few true memories as well. I remember our next door neighbors. They were an elderly couple. Ed and Mimi. Ed was pretty much my best friend. They had two cats and let me come over to pet their cats. Mimi would shuffle around their house with her tennis-ball tipped walker. Ed would show me cool things like some rocks that a friend of his had polished until they looked like jewels. Gosh, I imagine I still have a couple of those stones in a box somewhere. One was black, with white streaks, the other was a lovely rich brown.

I also remember going to my Dad's work and sitting on his boss' lap. And talking his ear off. My Mom tells me she's convinced that Dad's boss thought I was at least 5. I was only 2. Hmmm. Maybe this is where M gets that. I've always contended that she got the gift of gab from her Daddy. This is an epiphany for me...maybe I gave her that THAT's where it went.

And here...I see M. Posted by Picasa

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Sandy said...

Wow! Miranda looks exactly like you...i thought that was her leaning over that log.

Jaime said...

I was going to comment the same thing as Sandy! It certainly does like her. All I ever hear about Kiana is, "I just don't know who she looks like!"

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Great pics! I love looking at old pictures from the 70's. Just kind of brings back a flood of memories.

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