Thursday, August 3, 2006

Going stir-crazy...

"Mommy, I'm all better now."

This is the refrain I heard every time M emptied her stomach.

When I went to bed last night, optimistic to have this all behind me, I was greeted to a bed of vomit. Nice. Nothing like a little late-night sheet changing and comforter washing to induce a restful sleep.

So, no Bunco for me tonight. My Dad did come out to stay with the kids so I could go get some groceries and additional drugs for Miss M, so I had a slight break from my home-cell.

On the plus side, Craig called from the airport about a half-hour ago. He'd just landed and is now on his way home.

I'm totally going shopping BY MYSELF tomorrow evening. Or something like that.

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Sandy said...

I'm so sorry that M is still sick...there's nothing worse than dealing with stomach stuff is there?

Amy said...

Poor all of you. Hope M is better. We had the barfies twice in two weeks this year. Ugh, the worst for the wee ones.

MrsFortune said...

Dang, sick kids are not fun! I had the same "I'm all better" thing a couple weeks ago where I thought I was good each time I barfed, but alas, it was not to be. Hope she is better really soon!

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