Thursday, August 3, 2006

Daddy's home!

Yea! Craig made it home. M is in her bed for the first time all week (minus the time she had to lay there while I changed my sheets last night).

AND, turns out he doesn't really have to go to work tomorrow. But, being the man he is, he's going in for a few hours in the morning...

M hasn't (Knock on wood!) barfed since 1 o'clock this afternoon. Do I dare hope it's over????

She was totally looking forward to going to the fair with her cousins tomorrow...

I'm torn about going or not.

I guess we'll all sleep on it.

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Jaime said...

Heather, I feel so bad for your kids and I am amazed that you have escaped it yourself thusfar. Brian and I were not so lucky nor were most of the other daycare parents.

I ended up taking Kiana to the doctor today because this was day 7 of her sickness and she stopped eating after throwing up again on Tues night. Dr. said as long as she is taking liquids then to just stay the course since it can take up to 2 weeks for some little ones to kick this vs 3 days for adults. She suggested lactose free milk since Kiana will not eat but wanted to drink milk. Also wanted her to eat yogurt if possible of which she did take a few bites. Dr said that Kiana won't get better until she starts eating fats and protein but once she does the diarrea is going to come back again and then it should have run it's course. Oh and she said the normal pattern for the vomiting is persistant, then intermittent and then gone. Our sheets and Kiana's have gotten many washes this week.

So basically it was one of those take your kid to the Dr and all you get is reassurance that they are not in dire straights. (Plus I get to pay the insurance bill and missed 2 hours of work!) So I thought I would share what she said in case your kids have the same thing. Get well soon!

Heather said...

Generally, I stay pretty healthy. (Knock on wood!) Craig is the one that picks up all the kids' illnesses. Go figure, since he's the one that's gone more often.

I called M's dr's office and the nurse said basically to just let it run its course. No food for 12 hours after she stops vomiting, but I never have followed that advice. She had some saltines and some Michelina's smiley face potato things tonight, and she's kept them down so far. I don't know why I bother to call the nurses, because whatever they say I pretty much do the opposite and I'm usually right.

"No, you don't need to bring him in"

Go in anyway. Ear infection.

"Nah, she's fine"

Go in. Urinary tract infection.

Yeah, so Mom's know best.

So there.

Hope Kiana is doing better soon...and the rest of your family!

Bonnie B said...

Oh I hate it when they throw up. I live in a house full of sympathy vomiters (minus me of course) so when one gets sick-- it means A LOT of laundry.
I also agree, we do know best. We know when soemthing is not right with our kids. I don't know why more doctors don't listen to us.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Glad M is feeling better. So is K sick too?

Hmm, corn dogs and spinny rides at the fair? Fortunately, that doesn't seem to bother kids. I say let her go.

I get sick on the merry-go-round.

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