Friday, August 4, 2006

Ding Ding...Round Two

So, about 2 a.m. last night, K was in his bed screaming. I enter his room to see him sitting up, his arms out in front of him (covered in vomit) and a puddle in front of him. "Mama!" "Sick!"

Yeah, I got that.

I cleaned up that mess and got him back to sleep. The next time he woke up, I opened his door and saw the mess. Turned around and went back to my bed. Shook my husband.

"You're up for barf duty."

So, Craig stayed home today and took care of K, cleaned up many barfs off the floors in various locations about the house, and did a few loads of laundry.

M and I? We went to the fair.

And now I'm having a beer. And I'll probably have another. Because I got my period this week, complete with cramps. Because I have had to clean up so many barfy messes I've lost count. Because I've washed 400, 000 loads of laundry just this week (and counting...I just heard the beep signaling that load is done...yee haw!).

And because I was sort of good at the fair and ate a grilled chicken sandwich (plain, no mayo) for lunch. I caved and got the cheese curds, because it's a requirement at the fair. And I got the shaved ice because it was hot and it was soooooo good.

Plus I am not an old fogey yet. My SIL and I went on the Mega Drop ride. It's one of those that they lift you up about 6 stories and then drop you. It was fun. I paid $4 to go on this ride that lasts about 30 seconds, but it was fun. And I'm not as old as I feel sometimes.

Today was good. Not great, because my boys were at home, one of them puking every 10 minutes or so...But still, a good day. Sigh.

2 people like me!:

Jaime said...

Poor poor poor K and poor you. We're so tired of it here, too, so I can't imagine getting one on the mend and starting all over with the second. I'm glad that Craig is home to help, now, though. We'll be sending healing thoughts your way - these things really run the whole family down even the support people! I'm glad you and M got out to the fair, today! I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow so I hope you get some Heather time soon!

Sandy said...

Have another beer for me!

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