Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Yet more vacation stuff...Part 3

Within 1 minute of pulling into the resort I asked M if she thought it might be fun here. "Yeah!" K whole-heartedly agreed.

There is a 20 foot water slide in the lake. (A major improvement over the slide they had there when I was a kid. Think metal slide. Hand-pumping water onto the slide. And still burning your butt on the way down.) I'm thinking "how am I going to keep control over M the Daredevil wanting to go down that non-stop all week?" Turns out she was scared to go down it. Huh? She'll go down the slide at her swimming lessons into water MUCH deeper than at the end of this slide...she'll go on "big people" roller-coasters. But a measly 20-foot water slide...apparently not so much.

So, of my parents' 4 grandkids...who is the first to want to go down...and does...with his Mommy? K. The meekest kid in the group. The one who isn't supposed to get lake water in his ears because he has tubes. We shot down that slide like a rocket...and he may have gotten a bit of water in his ears. Bad, bad, Mommy! "Do you want to go again?" "No." Then he milked the sympathy from his Dad over being subjected to such torture.

We had boat motor trouble so we rented a pontoon for the day on Monday. Craig caught a big whopper of a fish. Good thing I have it on "film" or he'd have embellished the size of the fish. He did catch 4 "keepers" before the week was out though.
The kids lived on the beach most of the time. It was fun to watch them. And they irritated me because they were so exhausted they were beyond making sense much of the time.

There was also a family reunion type group there of Greek Americans. They spent much of the time playing volleyball (loudly) and (1 kid in particular) yelling "Oh-Paw!" periodically. When they weren't playing volleyball, they were having sing-alongs by the campfire or having talent shows in the loft. Or, the final day they monopolized all the kayaks and paddleboats and "parked" them all in the middle of the swimming area. We hoped they'd go back to play volleyball soon. Another family said that this group had been kicked out of 6 other resorts so far. Can't imagine why.

More later...

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