Monday, July 29, 2019

My Boy is Fifteen Now

The boy started his first year of high school back in September. He's grown several inches in the last couple of years and is now almost as tall as I am.

I wouldn't call him Destructo-Boy anymore as he is more of a fixer now. He can do things with computers that I don't understand. He has taught himself how to code and he can figure out how to recover information from hard drives that were thought lost. That's just the stuff I know!

He likes to make jokes and drive his sisters crazy with teasing. He makes me laugh and also sometimes drives me nuts. He gives great hugs and is probably the only one of my three kids that regularly tells me he loves me.

He finished his driver's training classroom lessons last week and will attempt to pass his permit test tomorrow. It will be challenging for a kid who has trouble with memory, but I know he will try his best and will have done everything he can to prepare.

My Dad's shirt kind of fits him now!
His efforts to overcome obstacles and to be a kind person make me so proud to be his mom.

Happy birthday dude. I love you.

1 people like me!:

Deborah said...

So cool to see his transformation and read your reactions to his transformations. Love your blog 🙂

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