Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The day was going well. Not fantastic in that I hadn't exercised even though I'd told myself I would, but well enough that I still hadn't counted exercise out and I also hadn't felt like abandoning any children in a remote field.

Of course the Bigs were at school so that helped with the non-abandonment issue.

I had decided to try running. Outdoors. In the real world. I got out my socks, gathered my new running shoes and went to the bathroom to change into appropriate running attire and to corral the girls in spandex. I found the sports bra and stood up to come face to face with a gigantic bug.

Oh for crying out loud. Seriously?

Bats freak me out more than anything. Close second? Gigantic bugs. Especially those that fly and/or jump toward me.

So there I am, wanting to change clothes so I can attempt my first real world run but faced with an unknown foe. Is this a jumper? Is it a flyer? Why does it have to be so big?

The bug was easily one and a half inches long and about three quarters of an inch wide.

I was tempted to back out of the bathroom, scrub the run attempt and pretend I saw nothing. The problem with this plan is that if I retreated and left the intruder I would be up all night wondering where the giant bug was in the house.

So I resigned myself and grabbed a tissue. I sucked in my breath, wadded the tissue and swept in for a rapid squish. I was anxious, not knowing if it would fly at me or jump at me before the tissue covered it.

Its death was quick. I felt silly.

I threw the tissue and the carcass in the trash can. I put on my sports bra, T-shirt and shorts and went outside to exercise.

7 people like me!:

Life As I Know It said...

You sound like me! I HATE bugs. I especially hate bugs when I am alone in the house.

Anonymous said...

Great job!!! Amma

chelle said...

You are brave I pull out the vacuum cleaner!!!

Awesome that you are running!!!!!!! I so need to get back into it!

Kate said...

Oh I hate big ass bugs like that. Reminds me of the time when I lived in m studio apt in NYC and there was this roach the size of a Buick (to loosely quote Woody Allen) on my wall and I was freaking out. I slept with the light on that night.

Madeline said...

Good for you! No lettin' that stinkin' bug get in your way. ;) Hope you had a great run.

CT Mom said...

Tell me the bug was not in the sports bra! That would have totally freaked me out!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Don't feel bad... I'm with you on this one. I have a hard time killing things that crack, squish or squirt guts when you step on them.

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