Monday, August 24, 2009


We had cable TV installed on Saturday. It wasn't available until last week out here "in the country" where we live. So previously when people would talk about various television shows they were watching I could say "oh we don't have cable" and feel a little smug. It felt sort of good and wholesome and noble to not have cable TV, like I was making some sort of political statement, even though I wasn't. I'm not against television. I let my kids watch TV more than I probably should, but they spend plenty of time outside playing and playing in their rooms (which do not have TVs) as well.

I feel sort of inferior to those parents who do not have a television and those who strictly limit their children's viewing habits though I do not share the opinion that television is all bad. I liken my philosophy on television viewing to my philosophy on candy. Some days are special days and you can have all the candy you want. That will probably mean you won't get much candy, if any at all, tomorrow. But there will be more special days. I will not tell you that you cannot have any candy ever, because that will probably make you want the candy more...the forbidden fruit and all that. When you can have candy (television) almost any time you want it, it loses some of the appeal. It's ordinary.

And now we have cable and get more channels than we'll ever watch. The kids now know that cartoons are, indeed, still on at 8 o'clock at night. They will still have to go to bed. But there will be special days ahead and they will have all the candy they want.

What are your views on children and television viewing?

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louann said...

I wish I never gave too much "candy" to my eldest. Which is why I really had to consciously control my 2nd's watching habits. I must do the same with my youngest.

Awesome Mom said...

We try and be careful but there are times when they end up watching too much. We don't have cable and our rabbit ears (even with a digital converter) died for some unknown reason so the kids can only watch videos. They like to watch the same one over and over so for now we are good.

Unknown said...

We normally don't allow tv on weekdays and on weekends it is really limited to one movie of an hour per day. Except when I go out of town and all rules are thrown out the window. Like this weekend when they apparently watched 6 hours of Tom and Jerry each day.

chelle said...

We just got cable in April (it was my birthday present!)

Our kids watch an hour or so a day if the weather is crudy and we are not outside. If the weather is nice we venture outside to watch nature or traffic :P

Winter time, rainy days and oh my GOSH YOU ARE DRIVING ME NUtZ days they watch a little.

Yesterday they watched an hour in the morning then ANOTHER hour in the afternoon. Hurricanes are special.

So like you it is dependent on specialness (or my sanity)

I cannot have it on all day. I have met families like that and cannot imagine. But I am a quiet person and sometimes the house has to be quiet.

for a different kind of girl said...

We try to keep things balanced as best as possible. Over the summer, I did my best to have the TV off as for chunks at a time as often as I could because there comes a point where I just can't listen to the inane ramblings of whatever Disney channel show they're watching for the 100th time while also insisting they've never seen that particular episode. All in all, though, some days we do better than others. The boys don't have televisions in their rooms, but there is a small one (hooked up to cable) in the basement that they get in the habit of turning on and yet not watching, so I'm often reminding them to turn it off (or, in doing so, reminding them the TV is on so they stop their play to watch), but honestly, there's only a few shows they really like to watch, and many of them are off things like Discovery, so when it comes to that, I'm good.

Madeline said...

I'm one of those moms...the ones without t.v. I don't forbid it. We just don't have it. :) I actually really don't like watching t.v. If we want to watch a movie we either watch it on the computer or at my parents, and on sick days we have been known to camp out in front of youtube. And, candy...don't get me started. We live next door to the grandparents. Enough said. I don't give it to him because I know they will...especially his granpa! Argh!

Anonymous said...

everything in moderation.

Holly said...

Since having the baby, my preschool boy watches waaaay more than he ever did. But we don't have cable, either, so it's either PBS or carefully selected DVDs for him, which is mostly educational anyway. I like your candy analogy,

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