Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Frogs Reprise

There is someone in my life who has said she could listen to this all night. Unfortunately, I often have to and it's not so great.

This time there was some bird making a whistling come hither noise too. What's up with that? What kind of bird does that?

Of course if this is what I have to endure to have a little summer? I'll take it. Some nights I just wish they had a volume control.

10 people like me!:

Amber said...

YAY! I'm first! :D

I could honestly listen to that sound all the time. I miss being in town, and all we hear are sirens. Can I come and sleep over? lol

S said...

personally, i like it. it doesn't sound all that different where i am...

Holly said...

I like it. It's more melodic than the Cuban treefrogs we're currently listening to.

Maybe your local Audubon chapter people could tell you what kind of bird that is.

Athena's Armoury said...

We've got an animal near us (I have no idea what it actually is) but I call it a fruck: it sounds like it's part frog, part duck. Very weird. I actually miss the sounds of the city...

By the way, I've managed to keep up with the Simple Joy Sunday tradition this week! I seem to go in cycles: I remember for a few weeks, then a few weeks life gets in the way.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like "Up North" Amma

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Are you kidding? I would kill to hear that out my window. I'll trade you my insomniac neighbor who likes to use power tools in his garage at 2 in the morning.

Madeline said...

That's one thing I love about living out in the country!

Kate said...

Do you live in a rainforest?? lol

Wow, I actually think that sounds great. So cool.

chelle said...

Sounds pretty cool, but I could see how it would get old fast.

We have mafia bird wars every morning in our yard. They are all fighting for turf.

Heather said...

Now you're all making me feel all guilty. BUT. I assure you, if you had to listen to it EVERY NIGHT for 3 months, it would get old. It would. Just saying.

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