Monday, April 13, 2009

If Only They Were As Innocent As They Appear

They really do look all sweet and innocent in their Easter finery, don't they? But don't be fooled. They can divide and conquer in seconds.

(Seriously friends, I need some inspiration. Ask me questions, give me a topic, toss me a meme...anything to get over this writer's block! Anyone? Bueller?)

(Aweigh post below! We're on the last 3 weeks of the challenge!)

13 people like me!:

chelle said...

What a cute picture!!!!

Tell us about your favorite books...

Anonymous said...

Amma loves the picture! Love you!

Madeline said...

They do look all adorable and innocent!
Hope your writers block gets cured. Hmmm...topics--you could always resort to sharing a favorite recipe, craft idea, or just a random picture. Good luck!

Awesome Mom said...

Cute! I was lazy this year and didn't even get my kids cute new church clothing. I guess that is what comes with being almost ready to pop out a baby.

Mayberry said...

They are adorable--my daughter refused to wear a dress!

great auntie sue said...

I told you to write about your fav aunt--uh that would be me!!

Kate said...

Love the bonnet! They look great!

As for inspiration, let's see... write a post about your favorite family relative. Go.

Chelsea said...

Some ideas for what to write about:

*Childhood memories: Summer memories, holidays, bdays, friends,vacations, what it was like living in different places.

*Favorite books/movies/music and why.

*Why you decided to start a blog.

*Favorite recipes.

*Any other memories.

*If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you and why?

*I remember you did a meme a while ago that you had quotes from some of your favorite movies and we had to guess what movie that was, you could do one with some of your favorite songs?

Twenty Four At Heart said...

What a cute picture!

Rebekah Gonzalez said...

they look precious... and if they are anything like my 3 (just slightly younger than yours) they would not have sat so pretty for the photos. Hmmmm writers block?? Talk about your "momvolution" (mom evoloution) ... the changes that happened in you as a mother as your second and third child rolled around.

Damselfly said...

Ohmygoodness, the cuteness!

Did M pick out the hat? Or was it just for the photo? ;)

How about a Twitter tutorial? I know I could use a little help with Tweetdeck, which I believe you recommended to me....

Heather said...

Thank you all for your suggestions! (Keep them coming if you have them!)

Heather said...

Damselfly- We bought Miss M that hat and another similar one after Easter either last year or the year before. She has worn the hats on the occasional trip to Hobby Lobby. Makes me smile to see her rockin' the jaunty hat.

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