Monday, April 20, 2009

Aweigh Week 13 - 2 weeks left!

Wow, last week was brutal for me. So brutal that I'm not even telling my results! I am hopeful that this week will be different. I know what I was doing that sabotaged me last week and I'm going to NOT do that this week.

But hey! The rest of you are still doing great! That's wonderful! And next Thursday we'll have to take your "after" photos so we can see the results of our hard work.

The winner of Chelle's blog design is ... Amber! Congrats Amber!

This week the prize was donated by Chelsea! She doesn't have a blog, but she is on Twitter and you can follow her there. (She's @flipflopschels) Chelsea generously donated a $25 Target gift card. You know you want a chance to win that, so don't forget to post your results on Friday! Thanks so much Chels!

Hope we can finish these last two weeks with continued success!

2 people like me!:

chelle said...

I look forward to designing something for you Amber!!!

Amber said...

Thanks Chelle! I have no idea what I want yet, LOL. I'm so excited to win this!!!!! I can't believe I won!

Blog Designed by : NW Designs