Sunday, March 8, 2009

Simply Joy Sunday #8

This week my joys are little things that were part of a big thing. Miss M had her tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on Wednesday and while the whole day was stressful, there were little things that made it a little easier and a little happier.

We gave M a new Webkinz frog so she would have a friend with her in the OR. They also let her pick a cool scrub hat and there was one with butterflies on it that was just perfect for her. (She's trying to ignore me and watch The Bee Movie in this photo I took while we were waiting for her turn.)
This big TV screen told us where M was in the process, and it helped me just to know when her surgery started and when it was over. (She's the top patient in this photo...her surgery was just completed.)
Following the surgery we discovered someone in the OR had decked out "Froggy" with gloves, booties, goggles and a hat (which we lost). He had his own ID band too.
Are you celebrating the simple joys in life? Write a post (don't forget to link back here to me!) and I'll link you here!

Feeling the Joy!

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Kara said...

I'm so glad that M made it through okay and is on the mend.

I am trying to focus on the simple joys in my life these days too. It take away a little bit of the stress that surrounds all of us. Today, I am thankful for a healthy family and the time I have to play games with my kids.

Anonymous said...

awww she looks so cute! And how sweet to outfit froggy!!!

I am enjoying my family a lot today :)

Athena's Armoury said...

Wow, I bet all of those little things made what could have been not a happy experience so much easier to deal with. I hope M is doing well!

I remembered to post my Simple Joys today, too.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Now that is an awfully cute girl in an awfully cute scrub hat. Glad everything went okay--this week will seem easy, right?!

Mayberry said...

She's so cute! And I love the dressed-up froggy.

Anonymous said...

It's so cute that they decked out the frog! Very cool! Glad life is getting back to normal. It's always so stressful when our kids have to go thru medical procedures. I'm glad it went well!

Damselfly said...

M is very cute! I'm so glad the surgery went OK.

I forgot mine this week...

Amanda Conger said...

Nearly forgot to link up!

I love that they gave the frog his own little outfits! ^_^

Gunfighter said...

I'm glad that all is well... and can I say that's a really cool picture for your banner... or button?

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