Saturday, March 7, 2009

Have I Told You This Already?

One of the bad things about having a blog and being on Twitter is that many conversations end before I get a chance to even get started. I'll start to tell a family member or a friend a story and they'll cut me off only a few words in by saying "oh I know, I read your Twitter" or "yeah I saw that on your blog."

So apparently I'm a little too talky here and there.

Considering I don't talk that much to begin with I am seriously limiting my speaking time by writing. Anyone else have that problem?

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Pam said...

I've had both that problem and the inverse problem - I feel like I wrote a story so well on the blog, I don't feel like recreating it in conversation!

Amanda Conger said...

Yup, all the time. Of course, then there are the inverse, where I think "naw, they probably already read that." and then they haven't. But I prefer those times because it off balances me when they've already heard it.

Anonymous said...

I totally get that from our family ... I am used to it now :)

Cindy said...

I just talked to my m-i-l for the first time since Christmas last night (we have an excellent relationship and talked at least weekly prior to my beginning the blog) Now I know that she follows the blog and keeps up-to-date on our happenings! I just feel like there won't be anything to talk about because they follow the blog so closely!

for a different kind of girl said...

My family doesn't read my blog or my Twitters, which is good, really, when you consider how pointlessly random I am out there in the internet world!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

YES! I have this very problem!!


Scribbit said...

That happens all the time to me-I go on then get off and conversations keep going and I lose track of what I was saying or hearing.

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