Sunday, February 1, 2009

Simply Joy Sunday #3

I'm continuing to devote my Sunday posting here to celebrating the simple joys in my life. My family is a big joy, and a given. So here I post photos (usually) of the little things that make me happy.

I had a busy week this week and didn't get my camera out as much as I'd liked to so I have no photos to post this week, but I still have joy in little things!

The first thing that comes to mind is the nice weather we had yesterday! It was almost 40 degrees. We spent most of the day inside anyway at the Minnesota Zoo or in the car, but it was nice nonetheless. There has been a string of cold weather days here so long that I was forgetting what it felt like to not freeze the second I step outside. (66 days below freezing here) So you may not think warm when you hear 40 degrees, but I'll tell you it felt downright balmy.

The second thing that comes to mind is my new camera. After using the old one at the zoo yesterday I have even more appreciation for the fast shutter speed on the new camera. The delay in the old camera was maddening!

And the third thing I'm celebrating today? Getting to spend a few hours sleeping in my bed. I savor those hours that I actually get to sleep. They have been few this week.

What about you? As always, leave me a comment and/or post on your blog and I'll link you up here!

Sharing the Joy!
Mrs. Dragon
Kirsetin at Hip Mom's Guide

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Anonymous said...

Ahhh...a day of reflection. Great list...

Over the week...I am grateful for lunch with a long lost cousin that lasted 3 hours...

A plan for the weekend...

A trip to Ikea for something necessary!

Amanda Conger said...

You've inspired me to do my own post.

I'm going to try to blog everyday this month, so this seemed like a very positive way to kick that off. : )

Hip Mom's Guide said...

Heather - great list. I can totally relate to SLEEP bringing joy. I posted a list today, too. Here's the link:

Go Steelers!

Anonymous said...

We had some great warmer days, too. I'm always so happy when the kids can get outside and run around!

Anonymous said...

We have had some warmer days and it has totally lightened my spirit!

Damselfly said...

Darn, I forgot to do this on Sunday!

After having more than our usual cold spells this winter, I appreciate it when you say it warmed up and was almost 40 degrees!

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