When we told M and K (sort of) that we would be welcoming another child into our family, the kids both were in agreement that the child would be a girl. I don't know how they did it, but they were right. The doctor told us that kids are often right. I'm assuming that means the older kids because Miss M predicted K would also be a sister if I remember correctly.
My mom has two sisters and I think that fact had something to do with my envy of having sisters. Also, my friends who had sisters, much as they would complain, I thought it seemed pretty great to have a ready girl friend.
So now Miss M and Ms. D have each other.

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Oh my goodness, the first picture is the cutest!!!
In my case, I always wanted a sibling -- whether it be a brother or a sister. It does get lonely being an only child.
I was the eldest and I never remember wanting sister but I did get three of them. Honestly I never remember even wanting a brother. I guess I was happy with whatever.
So cute! I posted about siblings as well:)
What great pictures!
I have a sister 14 months older than me. We didn't get along until my 30s...totally hated each other. I guess we all wish for what we didn't have b/c I often wished I was an only child growing up.
awww they are so sweet together ... I love vicariously through my children all the time!
Oh yeah, I freaked out to near all my girlfriends for about a week after I read amalah's post. It's all good.
Your kids are hilarious.
Oh, they are SUPER SWEET.
Awwwwwww.... sisterly love. So sweet.
They are adorable girls!
I have a younger sister. We had some bumpy roads over the years...oh, there was the time she chucked a steak knife at me...but now we're good! Ha!
They are adorable girls!
I have a younger sister. We had some bumpy roads over the years...oh, there was the time she chucked a steak knife at me...but now we're good! Ha!
Ah, nothing is better than sisters.
Yeah, I don't have sisters either. I have 2 older brothers. But when I was growing up I thought it was OK, because I never had to share a bedroom
Now my kids have each other as brothers and I'm glad they do.
I am so touched. I am tearing up. Must be the pregnancy hormones. Your girls just look as though they belong together.
I had older sisters, older brothers and younger brothers. But not a younger sister. So I adopted a friend as my little sister.
Carol...I don't know Amalah's post I guess! I don't think I've read her blog. My bad.
Damselfly...What? It's not my beautiful writing that's making you tear up? Oh all right. I'll give you a pass since you're in a delicate condition.
How sweet! I have a little sister, and we were NEVER that angelic together.
I don't have a sister either!!! And no girls!!! The nurse said after my fourth boy was born, "I guess you get to have your daughters the easy way... when your sons get married!"
Your girls are adorable! Look at her eyes in that last photo.
These pics are the cuteset EV-A, Heather!
I have two sisters. They are a gift.
I swear to God you have the smiliest baby I've ever seen. She is too cute!
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