Craig also got me a fancy dancy portrait lens which is also quite awesome.
I took more than 450 photos yesterday, just playing with it.
Some of the results:

The winner of the giveaway was Kam. She won the journal and these three birthday cards from Sentimental Journey! Thanks to all who participated!

10 people like me!:
That last picture is especially all kinds of awesome.
You've got an eye.
You're gonna have fun with this thing, aren't ya?
Post more pics!
So your baby isn't incredibly adorable naturally, and it's just the camera? I'm not buying it.
Your kids are super cute and your camera rocks! We need a new one bad.
hehe 450 in a day!!! Isn't it awesome!?!?!? I received a Canon Rebel last Christmas and love it. I just have a kit lens but I am so content with it. Someday I will need to upgrade I imagine!
I am so excited for you! Enjoy your camera!
Great shots and lovely models too!
I really like the last pic of D very cute! Can't wait to see even more pics!
Oh my gosh, those pictures are AWESOME. I need a better camera, too!
Thank you so much!! I am so happy to have won!
The pictures of your children are gorgeous!!
I'm not sure which to be more jealous of, the camera and lens or those kids! :)
How on earth did you find time for 450 photos?!
Those are great, really; I'm on the edge--I just can't decide if I should make the big jump.
And I agree with the others - regardless of the camera, the kids are adorable. Great shots.
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