Have I mentioned that I have the best husband? If I haven't it's only because I don't want a bunch of women trying to snatch him away. But that wouldn't be possible anyway because he loves me. Me, me, me!
And because he loves me and he knows how much I love to take 6382 photos a day, he bought me my Christmas present and gave it to me last night.
It's a fancy pants new camera that I have to dig into my sort of distant photography classes to understand how to use, but given a little time I will figure out. And just in time for Ms. D's 6 month photo session!
And because I don't have enough irons in the fire, I may just start doing portrait sessions for friends and family. Yes, the camera is that good.
So book your sessions!
And thank you Craig! I love you!
9 people like me!:
You lucky duck! Have fun taking more pictures- Amma
Nice! Can't wait to see how good your pictures will be now, especially since the pictures you take now are REALLY good!
How great! Have fun with it!
ooooooohhh, what did you get?
OOoooo that is so wonderful!!!!!
Can't wait to see the new pics. And congrats on the stellar husband behavior!
Cool! What kind of camera is it?? I love cameras. I actually collect them: old ones, new ones. Show it off! Can't wait to see the pics.
A new camera!! Fun! I can't wait to see some of your photos!
Lucky lucky you!! =)
Kids + SLR = Beautiful memories in a photo.
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