There are people who find no value in holding on to items and trinkets as remembrances. They toss greeting cards as soon as they're read. They donate their kids' clothes as soon as they're outgrown. They know that the thing; the memento; is not the memory or the person.
I am not one of those people. This has been cause for much consternation for my husband over the years. He's learned to ask about everything before he throws it away. Really? You want to keep the empty butter tub? He'll usually shrug and put it back where he found the thing, muttering as he goes about his business of trying to keep the house from becoming one of those places where people have things piled to the ceiling.
Okay, it's not that bad. But I do like to keep things. You never know when you're going to need an empty plastic tub for the kids to mix paint in, or to fill with water for them to clean their brushes. No, I don't have any empty butter tubs laying around right now. I'm using that as a hypothetical example.
But these are just the things that I think I might have a use for in the future. Those things, once I see there really isn't any need to keep them, I am able to part with pretty easily.
It's the mementos that really get me. And everything can become a memento it seems. I'm cleaning and reorganizing our basement and I came across some white paper streamers that I had stuck on a shelf. Really, it's just paper but I picked it up on the way out from the Blue Man Group concert so I kept it. I don't know what I'm planning to do with it. I imagine I'll just move it from place to place in our basement over the years until my kids find it when I'm gone. They'll shake their heads at each other and chuckle. Mom saved everything didn't she? they'll say as they toss it in the overflowing garbage can.
I keep some things simply because they were given to me by family members. I no longer use or display the thing, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it.
We're also reorganizing our bedroom to try to make room for D's crib. While dusting I found proof that I haven't dusted in there in a loooooong time. I found a prescription bottle with 7 pills in it. It was oxycodone from when K was born. Yes, more than four years ago.
What is wrong with me? Is there a pill I can take that will make me stop saving things? Gah!
Monday, October 6, 2008
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My husband is the back rat in our house. Having to move frequently has been the only thing that has kept him from saving too much stuff.
You couldn't possibly have gotten that trait from your Mother? Amma
I remember we always ate our cereal out of butter tubs (empty ones!) when we were kids!
I don't save those anymore but I do seem to have a HUGE collection of plastic kiddie cups from Red Robin, et al.
I am definitely a saver but I can also step back and evaluate an item's true memory value. Notes, cards, handwriting, paintings... Those all stay. SPECIAL baby clothes, special toys and books, too. But I have been known to purge and donate. A Lot. It helps, especially if your beloved old worn kid clothing is going to a friend in need. Or if the clothes that will NEVER fit you again can be donated to a good charity...
My wife has slowly eliminated most of my old possessions over time (one of the hazards of having a stay at home mom for a wife), but I have managed to hang on to one large cardboard "momento" box. But even with that, I have no idea why I keep it or what I'll ever do with it.
What exactly is the big desire to hang on to the past anyway?
My mom was one of those who thew everything out. I didn't inherent that DNA. I seem to keep everything. And so does my husband, so here we are, two pack rats in a house full of old concert ticket stubs.
I used to be like that! =) But I have slowly learned to "let go" of things which I think will eventually just collect dust in the long run. Tough though.
We move too often to collect too much, however I am so going to be like that when we get into the house because I CAN! muwahahahaha
But empty butter tubs are so useful. They're good for crafts or for giving your guests leftovers from dinner. Hypothetically speaking. ;)
Those ticket stubs? You can stick them in your album, scrapbook or shoebox.
When Kiddo's umbillical cord stump finally fell off, Hubby handed it to me and said, "What do you want to do with this?"
I looked at him like he was nuts.
Then I flushed it.
Some things just aren't worth saving! But lots of things are.
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