Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yesterday was an anniversary of sorts.

The rumors flew (sort of), then I confirmed one.

This time last year? Seems a very, very long time ago. And in a way, it is. It's a lifetime ago.

10 people like me!:

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I imagine that was a huge event in your life, and definitely something you won't ever forget.

Angi said...

It may seem like a lifetime to you, but I've said it JUST announced your pg - what like yesterday? :)

Anonymous said...

aww what a sweet anniversary!!! WOW we have been blogging friends for like EVAR!!!! heheh

Heather said...

Well, it was D's lifetime (so far!) ago!

Mayberry said...

Aw, that was before I "knew" you. Pretty amazing how much can happen in a year!

Damselfly said...

It's so wonderful to remember anniversaries like that!

Kirsetin Morello said...

Now THAT is a cool picture. Coulda been a Wordless Wednesday! So glad it's all worked out.

Alex Elliot said...

Happy anniversary! I remember that post!

Kate said...

Wow, I missed that huge event last year! Hmmm, when is it going to hapen again?

jen said...

hi there...
what a happy fond memory...
came over through the comments at anymommy's blog and saw that you are in MN too!
hi from mpls!

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