Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I've mentioned before that one of the things that make my head want to explode is thinking we are out of something while I'm at the store so I pick some up, only to arrive home and discover I already have THREE tubs of butter in the fridge (or 2 bottles of dish soap).

Here's one of my shelves: (I just picked up 2 of those bad-boys tonight.)

Well, at least they don't spoil.

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Awesome Mom said...

Um yeah I do that all the time too. The worst is when I pick up 20 of one thing only to find out that I forgot something that was critical to my menu. Last week it was tortillas, this week... who knows.

Anonymous said...

I so have done that! But now I only go with a list and buy what is on the list only. It keeps us on budget and we have no storage!

Amanda said...

Wanna swap for one of my four tubs of lowfat Philly cream cheese?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I actually get great comfort from stocking up on items I know we will use. This is what happens you watch Jericho.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

I do that with sour cream a lot. Especially when baked potatos are on the dinner menu sometime during the week!

Beck said...

Scha! Me too. Cream cheese, black beans and broccli are the repeat offenders at my house.

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