It is good to be home. No longer do I have to prove that I can nurse my child every day. (To one nurse that I was starting to get a little worried about her interest in my milk producers. Today, after bugging me about getting D to nurse ...who was nursing just fine, thanks, just not when Nazi nurse was around...she realized that my milk had already come in. "Wow, we hardly ever see mom leave with their milk already." Yeah, I guess my kid was nursing just fine wasn't she?)
On the down side, our bathroom requires navigation of stairs which is not easy with an abdominal wound. I'll be sleeping in the recliner so I can at least get up easier when I need to.
On the plus side, I have good drugs. Although they help only to a point.
We were sprung from the hospital this morning, after Nazi nurse sent D to have her
bilirubin levels checked even though the doctors had just looked at her and declared her healthy. To be slightly fair, her levels
were up, but very negligibly. Having my daughter's blood drawn for what seemed to be no reason was enough motivation for me to get her away from the prodding.
While in the hospital, she spent most of her time like this:

You know, when she wasn't on my boob. (Does she look jaundiced to you? Yeah, me either.) But she is an excellent sleeper. Seriously. I've slept better with a newborn than I did when I was pregnant. Three to four hour stretches...without having to pee! What luxury!
She's also more than a pound lighter than K was when he was born so she seems particularly delicate to me. We're using the
car seat that my brother and his wife used with their second son. He was more than 9 pounds, so this seat looks extra big with little D in it.

M and K have remained excited about their sister, and have been kissing her and wanting to hold her all the time. She certainly will not lack for attention.

And, to top off all the excitement? Miss M has a new look today:

And the crooked one next to the hole will likely follow suit soon...
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Oh, she's beautiful! Congratulations to you - I'm thrilled for all five of you! And you're sleeping - that's awesome. Take it easy on that incision too.
The heel stick for bilirubin is excruciating on the mother, even more so than the baby!
Awww. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Heather! Little miss D is absolutely beautiful - you are one lucky mama. So glad that nursing is off to a good start and (sssh! I don't want to jinx it) sleeping, too.
Congratulations on the safe arrival of Ms D. She's a cutie just like her brother and sister.
A family of 5 is sooooo much fun! Congratulations (again!)
awwww look a tooth is gone!! That is so awesome. Becca wants to lose a tooth so bad!
OOoo your sweet baby is so cute!!
I am glad you are all well and you are healing.
Aww, welcome home!
Welcome home & CONGRATS Heather, she is BEAUTIFUL and so is her name, I love it :) Glad to hear you are all doing well!
Oh, Heather, she is so cute and I love the name Delaney. Now get to work on that nursing, would you?!
She is so beautiful! You sure grow em good.
Oh, and congrats on M's tooth loss. I believe Annika lost that one first as well.
She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! ----- KaB
Congratulations Heather!! The baby is so gorgeous!!! I like her name too.
Tell Ms. M congrats on the tooth. My kids loved loosing teeth for some reason. Probably the money from the tooth fairy.
D is so perfect and beautiful that I just want to cry! Congrats again!
And I cannot believe you already have a new blog header up with a picture of all your kidlets!
Also, It's great that you didn't miss M's tooth in all of the excitement of a new baby.
Beautiful, truly!
I'm late as usual! But CONGRATS to you and family Heather!!! She's a beauty!! Isn't it great being able to sleep w/o having to get up to pee every hour?!
Enjoy D and I can't believe Miss M already lost her tooth? That's fast isn't it?
And when do you find time to blog???
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