Monday, February 25, 2008

It's a...It's a... Part 2

Well, we had the third ultrasound today. Thankfully, baby's heart looks good (as well as the rest of baby) and even measures a little bit ahead of the game. The tech thought the due date would be May 26th instead of May 28th based on today's measurements. Estimated weight is about 2 lbs. 3 oz. Baby's chest was going up and down, practicing breathing already. Baby's hand was also up by the mouth, sucking a thumb or some fingers.

And, this time, the butt was up by my ribs this time and no feet or other appendages were blocking our view.

We saw some folds.

It's a girl. Just like the kids have said all along.

Go read my post at Midwest Parents today too! I'm asking if your kids are as spoiled as mine...

10 people like me!:

S said...

Hello, little girl!

Can't wait to meet her!

Angi said...

Awww....congrats :)
Now you can go shopping (or at least that is what I did each time I found out the sex, LOL)!

Sandy said...


Can I change my guess? :)

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

That's awesome. Congrats!

Do you have a name yet?

ewe are here said...


I've always wanted one of those. ;-)

Kacey said...

Woo Hoo! I think that kids may have a sixth sense about those sort of things! I'm sure everyone is very excited!


Anonymous said...


You must be so excited to know finally!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's official!!! ....... TIPPER!!! --- KaB

Don Mills Diva said...


Congratulations on your little lady!

wayabetty said...

I'm so happy for you Heather and so jealous that you'll have 2 girls!! Enjoy them all!!

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