Friday, January 18, 2008

Signs you are at least half-way through your pregnancy

  1. You switch to shoes that don’t need to be tied.
  2. You have 3000 pillows on your bed. One of them is your husband’s.
  3. Eating 2 packages of Little Debbie snack cakes in one sitting doesn’t seem unreasonable or excessive.
  4. In your mind, tennis shoes qualify as dress shoes.
  5. Your stretch marks start to stretch out again. (if it’s not your first pregnancy)
  6. Your conversations are peppered with “excuse me” because you keep burping up your lunch.
  7. When baby moves, you occasionally think that you ate something that disagreed with you.
  8. Your husband avoids saying anything potentially upsetting. Or happy things. Suddenly you realize your husband hasn’t spoken to you in months.
  9. People hesitantly ask you when you’re due, then look visibly relieved when you answer with a date.
  10. At the end of the day, you’re not surprised to find that you’ve had part of your breakfast stuck to the bottom of your shirt all day.

6 people like me!:

Don Mills Diva said...

It's funny because it's true! Great list.

S said...

Number eight totally cracks me up! Been there, done that...

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

These are very funny. I also was going to say #8 cracked me up AND been there done that!

Damselfly said...

Oh, these are good! And all so true!

Except -- only two Little Debbie cakes? Or two boxes of Little Debbie cakes?

Alex Elliot said...

That is so true! I think I could go from some Little Debbie cakes right now though and I'm not pregnant.

Anonymous said...

haha love #8

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