Wednesday, January 16, 2008

K and the potty are not friends

So here it is, the post I told myself I would not write. The post where I confess that I’m stressing about that-which-I-told-myself-I-would-not-stress-about.

You see, I stressed about my daughter learning to use the potty. It seemed like all of her peers had mastered the use of the potty. I knew that my daughter was just as brilliant as the other kids and wondered what I was doing wrong that she wasn’t “trained” yet. The moment I stopped stressing, she used the potty consistently to pee.

It’s the poop. Poop is another story altogether.

M wouldn’t poop in the potty. She finds the whole process distasteful.

Even as an infant she was a home-pooper. No matter how long we were out of the house on errands, fun, whatever, she would wait and poop the moment we got home. More than once, in anticipation of leaving the house, she would have an explosive, outfit-changing, poop just to get the business done quickly before we left for the day.

However, when it came time to poop in the potty, she refused completely. She simply didn’t poop for days. Then, when the pressure got to be too much, she’d poop a baseball. Not even kidding. It was amazing that she could get something that size out of her little butt.

I’m certain that I contributed to her poop anxiety. As I said, I was stressed about her learning to use the potty. I know that I put pressure on her. With her independent spirit, it should have come as no surprise to me that she showed me that I had no control over her toileting.

So here I am. Wanting K to use the potty, trying to be encouraging and not pressuring him, but getting slightly sick each time I have to change his pull-up. Let’s face it, preschooler poop is not the same as baby poop.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he were a once-a-day pooper. K is a three-to-five time a day pooper. Of course as an infant it was sometimes up to 8 times a day so he’s really cut back.

Honestly, I’d like a month or two off from changing poopie pants.

I have had the talk with him:

K, it’s time. You’re a big boy and it’s time to use the potty for pee pee AND for pooping.

he’ll answer. Usually he will poop in his pull-up approximately 5 minutes later.

I’ve put him in big boy underwear. He’s been able to keep it dry, but he will even poop on Lightening McQueen. I don’t particularly care to spend my days washing poop out of underwear again.

I’ve tried bribes, promises of new and exciting toys, swimming lessons. Nothing is worth the hassle of not pooping in his drawers.

I know everyone says that no one goes to college wearing diapers, but seriously, I’m starting to wonder.

I put him in the car to go somewhere and sniff something unpleasant.

Did you poop K?


What’s that smell then?

So, I ask of you, oh wise Internet, what can I do? Am I destined to have 2 kids in diapers again?

Poop. You’re soooo not my friend.

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Kara said...

I soooooo feel your anxiety. Or, trying not to feel anxiety. J is having the very same issues. Actually, he's refusing to sit on the toilet all together.

Let's face it-- potty training sucks.

ewe are here said...

Sadly, I cannot help you with this one. I could use some help myself. Sigh.

S said...

no advice, just sympathy -- in spades.

Anonymous said...

Potty training is tough. My daughter went pantless for a week. No underwear just a t-shirt. She pee'd and pooped on the floor a couple of times, but I was no pressure, and encouraged her to get to the potty. She totally had an AHA moment then got to the potty (most times). We also had a very simple, basic potty that was easy to sit on for her.

Hugs. It will come. I can imagine the smell and being pregnant not fun though. I was always smell sensitive when pregnant.

Sandy said...

A friend once told me that when it comes to having children, "it's all about the poop."

I never understood what she meant until Annika was born. Now I completely agree.

Pam said...

Girlfriend. I am there!

Boxer was 3 1/2 before he even thought of using the potty. Wouldn't even sit on it. Then one weekend, poof! Peeing and pooping. Only two accidents since. I find that way much preferable to the teasing that Bloomer is doing - wanting to sit on the potty and read and whatnot with no action.

Just give it time. He's just making sure you don't have a gap between him in diapers and your new one in diapers! Just think: he doesn't want you to get out of practice!

Angi said...

LMAO, I'm sorry, I really am. I think it was the preschooler poop thing. I was going to say stop the pull-ups, but I see you said he'll even poop in the undies, so I have no other advice because I am not a good potty-trainer. I reeeeeally dislike the whole thing. Then as soon as you got it down...the flu hits, and you are back to pull-ups & accidents, blah, blah, blah.

Good luck! I agree that he is just making you stick it out to have 2 in diapers, that little stinker (literally, LOL)!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, thanks for stopping by my blog! This post is sooo where I am right now with my 3-year-old son. But the last time I tried, he wouldn't even keep Lightning McQueen dry, let alone poop-free. I accepted the last time we stopped potty training that he just didn't get it right now. If he gets it, he just isn't going to do it. We'll try again later.

You might check back at my blog and read a post or two back that lists the Farmer's Almanac "best days" to stop a habit. Potty training falls into this category. I plan to use the dates to make our next potty training attempt. We'll see how well the moon's alignment helps me with 3-year-old poop cycles.

Best of luck to you!

Duchess of Insanity said...

Heather. I found your blog via a link fro Mrs. Swizzle at brainswizzle. I have read a few times and LOVE your blog. I have two in diapers right now. Hope you don't have to go back to that.

Although mine are ages away from potty horrfies me. I think I would actually rather keep them in diapers longer.

Hope it gets better soon. Especially before you have the next one!!

Belle said...

Hello Again...Sorry it's been along time since my last comment...The boy wasn't even interested in the potty until he was about 2 1/2 and then it was only because he had a little friend that could do it and he didn't want to be the only one in diapers. It will come in time...boys seem to take longer than girls (in my experience anyway) Good luck!!

anymommy said...

And there really aren't any new problems are there? Thanks, I feel better. I think my daughter has been forever cured by watching her entire class eat pink cupcakes.

My in diapers is a possibility.

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