Sunday, November 18, 2007

Random Thoughts #16

Random things that run through my head periodically:

  1. Strawberry Shortcake's cat, Custard, is a real least in the movie we have.
  2. The men sitting in a sauna singing about Viagra? Wrong. Just wrong.

Video games...for nerds like me.

  1. We got out our old Sony Playstation (yes, that relic) and let Miss M play. We have a Spiro the Dragon game that Craig and I used to stay up very late at night playing. Miss M has gone further in the game than Craig and I ever got.
  2. Our new laptop came preloaded with some games. I think I may have a video game addiction. Hi, my name is Heather, and I play video games. See? Nerd. for everyone.

  1. I have used 4 boxes of Kleenex this week.
  2. Yes, I am still coughing.
  3. Now, I am up late at night coughing and blowing copious amounts of snot out of my nose.
  4. Both of my kids are on antibiotics for ear infections.
  5. Craig took the morning off on Thursday so I could try to sleep in a bit, which was lovely. And he let me sleep in both days this weekend (although he usually does that). Isn't he great? (MINE! Back off!)
  6. I have been eating like a pig but haven't gained any weight. Possibly because I end up barfing every night because I'm coughing and gagging.
  7. I'm still sleeping in my daughter's room so that hopefully the only person I'm bothering with my coughing/snot-blowing is myself.

Maybe I'm not as much of a loser as I thought?

  1. I admit it, I was feeling kind of sad every time I logged into Bloglines and saw my subscriber count stay at 2. (One of whom is ME.)
  2. I finally logged into my Feedburner account last week and was pleasantly surprised to see that my reader subscriptions are hovering around 38.
  3. Woot woot! (Sorry, that was a little celebration for poor little me.)
  4. Yeah, I know. Big deal. 38 subscribers.
  5. Hey, compared to the 1 subscriber (besides myself) that I thought I had, that's purty darn good dontcha think?


  1. I started writing a short story that I hope to post here soon.
  2. My novel is still at a stand-still.
  3. I have 4000 things to do before Christmas which will likely not get done if this cold continues to wipe me out like it has.

5 people like me!:

S said...

ooh, a short story!

very cool.

feel better asap, ok?

congrats. on your subscriber count!

Angi said...

You know I love these random posts, as my mind works just the same :)

FEEL better, and SOON!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I totally would subscribe! How do I do it? I am so NOT computer savvy!

Good for Craig for pampering you a little bit! Every sick woman deserves at least that. Come to think of it, every well woman does too!

Anonymous said...

I don't subscribe, but I come read every day, does that count??

I had spotting as my first sign that I was having twins. Once the doctor saw me, she said it was either twins or I was way off on my due date. Since we had been trying for about 18 months, I didn't think I was that far off on the due date. Those twins - now 22 and almost done with college. Where does the time fly.....

Heather said...

If you'd like to subscribe...there's a button on the right side over there that says "subscribe in a reader" click on that and it should walk you through it!

Awwww. Yes, that counts! Thanks for reading!!

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