Monday, November 12, 2007

Celebrate at the Zebras...Week 2

Here we are starting another celebration week! I'm feeling extra celebratory because I'm not coughing as much. Of course I spent about 3 hours sleeping this afternoon so that may have helped a bit too.

Offerings for this week:

It Could Happen To You: Diary of a Pregnancy and Beyond by Martha Brockenbrough. I found this book to be funny. It's just as the title implies, a pregnant woman, then new mother's take on pregnancy and new motherhood. I found myself nodding a lot while reading this.

Riding in Cars With Boys by Beverly Donofrio. Okay, I know I said there would be a novel this week, but this is actually a memoir. Ah, close enough, right? The movie starring Drew Barrymore is based on Beverly's memoir. As usual, the book is better, although I did enjoy the movie as well.

So, just like last week, post the button if you haven't already, or link to the giveaway on your blog then leave me a comment on this post of which (or both) book you want to win!

Read the full rules here.

Week 1 winners: (Drawn by

Confessions to my Mother - Bon777
The Safe Child - Laura (Okay, the only entrant!)
Nobody entered for the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book so I'll donate that somewhere!

Congrats and thanks for playing!
Shoot me an email with your names and addresses so I can send you your winnings!

7 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

lol I was the only one entered for that back? funny... but hey, a win is a win. lol


Damselfly said...

Wow, you're on a roll! The memoir sounds great -- haven't seen the movie (yet).

Mandy said...

I would love to read It Could Happen To You. Sounds funny!

Angela said...

I would actually love either of these books!!

I blogged ya / buttoned on my contest blog :)

Jennifer said...

Your button has been added to my blog. Please enter me for the Donofrio book. The movie was totally fab. Thanks!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Riding in Cars With Boys by Beverly Donofrio sounds very interesting. I watched the movie and I thought it was pretty good. :)

P.S. You can find the button on the sidebar at

Liberty said...

I really enjoyed the movie, I would love to read the book too - Riding in Cars With Boys by Beverly Donofrio. Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone participating!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

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