Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I guess we passed

Today Craig and I attended Miss M's first Kindergarten conference.

We sat in teeny-tiny chairs across a teeny-tiny table from her teacher while she talked about our daughter. It occurred to me that this woman now sees my daughter for more hours than I do during weekdays.

Don't get me wrong, she's a pleasant woman and she seems to really care about the kids in her class. But she sees my baby more than I do now. And, due to the nature of her job, she's judging my daughter.

I don't particularly care for it.

That's life, Heather, get used to it.

Yeah, but I still don't like it.

That being said, we were told that she's doing well in school. She's learning all that she supposed to be learning. She wants to be friends with everyone in her class to the point that her teacher has to explain to her that sometimes she just needs to play with the kids that aren't being mean to one another. (Some of the girls play that mean "I'm not your friend" power trip on one another, and M wants to play with all the girls so she's at a loss when someone says "well, we're not playing with you" but M still wants to play with both girls. Dur. That doesn't make much sense how I wrote it, but I know what I mean!)

Really no shocking pronouncements. We knew she was doing just fine. It's nice to hear someone else say my kid is a great kid and that she's fun to have around.

But really, I knew that already.

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S said...

Heh. By your tenth or so conference, you'll just be glad to hear nothing's wrong. And to get out of there quickly.

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