Thursday, June 28, 2007

Vacation Recap: Day Six (June 21, 2007)

This morning I was lazing and chatting with my brother, Jason, and his wife, Kristi, in their cabin and watching the kids through the window. M had made friends with a lady (Diane) staying in another cabin earlier in the week, convincing her to go down the water slide with her and introducing herself on her own. I saw Diane talking to M, then they both walked toward our cabin. M was re-directed to Jason and Kristi's cabin to find me.

She bursts in the door and tells me, "I'm going kayaking with my new friend," and quickly exits without waiting for a reply. I hear her outside telling Diane, "She said yes!"

I had to laugh. What a little turkey she is. The ride was short, but I was impressed with how well M did with the paddling.
We had to make an emergency run to Longville to get some corn for my Mom's chili, some cough syrup for my Aunt Kay and some Pepsi for my Dad...among other miscellaneous items for me.

Guess what we did when we returned? Floating and swimming and digging in the sand of course. We had lovely conversations floating on our rafts on such intellectual topics as farting and the shape of poop. Einsteins, that's what we are.

Craig and my Dad took the four kids out fishing for a little bit. Craig got the boat out a little bit and positioned it sideways, then told the kids to line up for a photo. They were all shouting "cheese!"
Mom's chili had lots of beans in it, which made for a musical night of Trivial Pursuit. The kids went for a short boat ride after supper (except K, who had a blast playing with my cousin Justin). We attempted to play my Mom's DVD Trivial Pursuit SNL game but we found out that we all suck at remembering the details of SNL skits so we abandoned that in favor of the Pop Culture version. We'll have to study our SNL skits before next year.

Grown-up movie of the night: Freedom Writers

Fish (keepers): 0

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