Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Random thoughts #7

You'd think since my kids have lived a stone's throw from an International airport their entire (though short) lives I wouldn't have to have the following conversation at least 4 times a day:

(Loud roar, which causes one or both kids to shudder and run for me.)

"What's that noise?"

"Sounds like an airplane to me."

"Oh." (and the child toddles off to continue whatever activity was rudely interrupted by the plane takeoff.

This only happens during the day. If I'm trying to get K to sleep at night (yes, I still rock my 2 year old to sleep...sue me.) he doesn't even flinch at the noise.

M is almost recovered from her bad cold (that her Mom gave her--bad, bad Mommy!). She went to school today, but that must have tired her out because she decided she didn't want to go to choir practice. Also, the kids were playing outside at school today and she didn't even want to keep playing for a bit. (It was 75 degrees today...insanely beautiful weather for MN in November.) K and I bought some play food at the dollar spot at Target so the kids had a blast with that this afternoon.

I got photos taken for the Christmas card taken yesterday and composed the card last night. I think it's ready to be printed. (Thanks Kristi for the reminder to get this going!!)

Sometimes a phone call from a friend really makes your day. Thanks.

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Anonymous said...

We also have always lived near planes. When we lived down south we lived in between the Tampa airport and the Airforce base. Now we live near another air base.

I dont mind the noise much unless it is bad weather then I think a tornado is coming. I know I am weird!

Glad K is better. We are on the mend here as well.

I love unexpected phone calls also.

Oh yeah thanks for the well wishes.

Anonymous said...

Owen used to be afraid of planes, too. We get a lt of C-130's circling over our house, and more than our share of Mayo One fly-overs. Fun.

- Kurt

Anonymous said...

Annika wasn't into the playground scene either, yesterday. I don't know what was up with that.

And I felt the same way, buddy. Thank you for being such a cool friend.

Mom Thumb said...

We are in the flight path for fighter jets landing at Vance Air Base. Many times a day, I can't hear the television or I have to ask someone on the phone to repeat. So noticeable that I really hear the quiet on their days off! Glad M is feeling better.

Kacey said...

I love, love, LOVE the dollar spot at Target! You can find the best things there!

I've added you to my blogroll! Thanks for visiting me...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are on your christmas cards already!You go girl!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Sounds like you picked the right time to think about Christmas cards. How's the snow!!!

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