Sunday, October 22, 2006

What do YOU have on YOUR arm?

This morning we were getting ready to head to church and Craig commented that "we" needed to get "our" shoes on.

M piped up: I've already got my shoes on Daddy!

Daddy: You do? (joking) I thought you had bare feet.

M: No, Daddy, not bear feet. I have people feet.

So Craig attempts to explain the word bare to her:

Daddy: What is on Daddy's arm? (pulling on his sleeve)

M: Fur.

3 people like me!:

Anonymous said...

M is so witty!

That story reminds me of Annika, who sometimes reminds me that I have "bear" hair (a.k.a. a hair protruding from my chin). Aren't they just precious?

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I love it. Nothing like the good old English language to screw up a kid! Bear feet - funny.

Kara said...

Kids are so smart! And cute too!

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