Today, Miss M was commenting on the infestation of Japanese beetles that invade our house every fall and spring.
When did my little girl start talking like a teenager?
Just had to add another photo of little man K. Because he's cute.

This third photo is of this tea cart my mother-in-law ranted and raved about for a full 30 minutes after we got there. She told the story of how she got it over and over and over. And it's not that interesting of a story. I'll give you the short version: She bought it at a garage sale for $3. Exciting, no?
And the last...the photo of the sign (well, label) on the toilet at their house. You know you want to make one for your own toilets now. For some reason it's not posting very clear. But you know what it says, don't you?

Edited to add: I almost forgot to share about this commercial I saw on tv while visiting Sturgeon Lake. It was an add for a car dealership. Here's their big promotion: Buy a truck, get a GUN! Seriously. Someone thought this was a great idea apparently. Ya might be a redneck. I'm just saying.

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I have an idea.
You should have the toilet sign ENGRAVED on like a large piece of wood (for that "cabin" feel) or better yet, do a cross stitch and FRAME it to hang above the toilet. Ideal Christmas gift, no?
As a native northerner, the gun give-away does not surprise me in the least. Actually, I watched a Michael Moore documentary (Bowling for Columbine) in which he visits a bank where you can receive a rifle if you opened an account. Very interesting.
I like Sandy's idea of cross stitching the toilet sign. Too funny!
Waya--hubby knows, he makes some of the same jokes.
Sandy--this really is an idea that has never occurred to me...but boy would that be funny! I love the way your mind works.
Holy cow. I step away for a few days and suddenly I miss all the beautiful northern scenery! Even with the in-laws' idiosyncrasies and all, it still looks like a nice time was had by all.
I'll be passing through Sturgeon and Moose Lake this weekend myself. I'll wave to the folks on the way by.
What is this a promotion for a one-stop drive by shooting supply store!
You kids take the adorable prize.
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