I was sort of ticked at the costume decree, because I've gotten fat, and most things don't fit me anymore. After several failed costumes due to lack of fitting my big butt, I finally decided to be an '80s girl. (nice quadruple chin.)

I teased my hair. I wore blue eyeshadow and eyeliner. I put a lovely Maddona-esque boe in my hair. I rolled my jeans. I had a rip at the knee of my jeans. I had my eye makeup and hair pick in my back pocket for those hair and makeup emergencies.

M told me I looked "stylish". Gag.
She also noted the rip in my jeans, pointed and laughed. "Your friends are going to laugh at you because you have a hole in your pants!" "Hahhahaaahhhhhaaahhaa!"
But I guess my costume was okay, because I won 2nd place in the costume contest.
My Mom won first place. That's her, the hippy.

And I had to put my Sister-in-law, the witch (not hardly!) up too. She reads my blog, but doesn't comment! Come on Kristi, you can do it...!

1 people like me!:
the pick, the madonna bow, the earrings -- the memories!
When that fashion era swings around again, I'm gonna be soooo ready.
Well, except for the fact that nothing fits me! I do think I have some stirrup pants around -- at least those were stretchy.
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