Friday, October 27, 2006

M may have overactive olfatory organs

Before I get to the smelly conversations:

M comments: "I saw some God steps Mommy."

"Oh?" (For lack of a better response!)

"Yeah, they're what God and Santa use to get down."

Alrighty then.

A few snippets of convos with Miss M from the last 2 days:


M: (sniffing me) You smell kind of icky.

Me: Gee, thanks.

M: I think you missed a spot when you were taking your shower. I think it's on your cheek.


We were driving on the highway and Miss M starts sniffing again.

M: What's that icky smell?

I explain that we just passed a skunk that was in the road and that it had been hit by a car.

M: So then it sprayed?

Me: Yep.

M: Did it died then?

Me: Yes, it died.

M: Oh well, he should go up to God and He will change his batteries.

She also told me:

If you got hit by a car Mommy, you would go up to the sky and be with God.

Ouch. I think that was my heart.

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Anonymous said...

She is very sweet, isn't she? The observation about the God steps was quite imaginative, if I may say so.

Annika the other day was telling her dolly that when we die, we get buried underground because that's where Jesus lives. I haven't had the chance to correct her yet.

Kate said...

My 5 year old has developed his own obsession with death. He wanted to cruise the cemetery in town the other day when we were running errands and go the "old" section, and was quite fascinated by me telling him the dates on the tombstones.

Hmmm, do we have issues here?

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

See, that's why we need blogs. Without them, these precious little conversations would just end up as a forgotten memories.

Oh, and I think we all know which "cheek" she was referring to. Oh well, so much for my "precious little conversation" theory.

Jennine said...

Kevin, my 15 year old son, said to me "Mom, on your headstone I think it will say -She didn't die. She's just rebooting."

For the love of computers!

I love how M thinks.

Kara said...

I loved the "change its batteries" comment! If it could only be that simple............

Heather said...

Sandy...she is imaginative isn't she? I didn't really realize how much her imagination is blossoming. Annika's right sort of, I mean most of us bury our dead underground...why wouldn't Jesus be there too?

Kate...thanks for stopping by. Thankfully M isn't obsessed with death at this point...reading tombstones doesn't sound like a fun way to spend a day...ugh! Sorry for you!

Jeff...That's what I keep thinking...but I've also kept a notebook that I write this type of thing in for the last 2 years or so. ...And my cheek is all healed up thank you very much!!'s pretty similar. I love how your kids think too. You have some really great stories...and a great sense of humor. I'm pretty sure that's a prerequisite to having 7 kids.

Kara...I thought the same thing!!!

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