Since they brought their pontoon in for the winter already, we pretty much had to stay around the cabin.
Craig and the kids raked up a bunch of leaves for entertainment. Child labor, gotta love it.
I listened to my Mother-in-Law go "ah ah ah" to K every time he got near something he wasn't supposed to touch. Which is pretty much everything. Oh and no dancing around. Or

This photo was taken moments before Poppa took them around the cabin and dumped them out of the wagon. Oh, and since he can't hear worth diddly, kept going.
They weren't hurt, mostly just scared.
Fun times, people. Fun times.
I escaped to Moose Lake for a little shopping at the "junk" store. Found M some Arthur stickers. She was thrilled. I took a wrong turn on the way

K was so tired that he literally fell asleep sitting up on Saturday afternoon. I snapped this photo after he fell over...good thing his bear was there!
So yeah. I'm back. And I'm armed with photos.
Even one of the infamous "bathroom sign."

Side note: M has shared her aspirations for her future occupations.
A few weeks ago she told me she wants to be a rockstar.
Today, an officer. "A girl officer." she was quick to clarify. "So I can take people away."
Hmmm. I have a few people in mind.

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It certainly looked like the KIDS had fun...how about mom?
M looks fabulous, by the way. My brothers are both officers in Duluth, so when you go up there, look out for Officers Tinsley. (I bet they'd even take her on a ride-along.)
Dumped them out of the wagon??! AND KEPT GOING? I would have freaked out. Did you freak out?
You always take such good pics of your kids.
Waya--I may have gotten a little "lost" on purpose. But I did go back.
Sandy--Mom, not so much, but it was bearable I guess. I'll have to try to remember that next time we go up. It won't be until next spring now...
Kara--I didn't freak out. I've developed a weird calm that comes over me when there's something medical going on. Craig almost sliced his thumb off last year and I just calmly told the kids to get their coats while I wrapped up Daddy's thumb. Maybe I should go back to school for medicine...
Thanks, my kids are (in my biased opinion) pretty darn cute so it's easy to take photos of them. (As long as it's not a posed shot of course!)
My goodness your kids are about the most adorable I've ever seen (shh! Don't tell my kiddies).
Anyway it looks like a gorgeous place and it sounds like you and a good time.
I can relate to the uh-un-uhs. My mother always does taht-- and I'm sure my dad would dump the kids out of the wagon too. What fun
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