Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Blogs that make me go HA HA HA!

I'm not feeling particularly inspired today to write anything of consequence. The kids were both little turkeys today and I spent the afternoon telling them to get off various pieces of furniture and breaking up wrestling matches that were caused by one of the 456, 345,789 toys that they have. This was after my Mom and I attempted to go to a couple of stores shopping. I spent much of that trip alternately picking K up off the floor and trying to get him to stop screaming at the top of his lungs for "Grammmmmaaaaaaaa" to hold him even though he's too heavy for her to carry.

It was fun.

I did get to escape to a jewelry party tonight that my neighbor hosted. My Mom went with me and bought herself 3 pieces. I bought a necklace that I probably will forget to ever wear. Nice stuff, a bit too expensive for my limited budget, but at least I got a break from the kids for a bit today. That was worth it.

SOOOOOOOOO, here are some blog posts that literally made me laugh out loud. I know there have been several others, but these were the ones that I could remember in my tiny little brain...

I read this one just the other day at The BlogFathers, a Dad's take on preparing his son for potty-training. I just love his son's commentary. Hee-lar-ee-ous.

Laugh and cringe at the same time when you read GGC's post about Adventures in Puberty. Really, it's crying-kind-of-funny. And if you're not already a regular GGC reader, you'll want to go back for more. She has that sarcastic kind of sense of humor that I love.

At Morphing into Mama we have bodily functions and toddlers...what more do you need as a recipe for laughs? I mean, really?

Antique Mommy's Mary Tyler Moore Day post won her a perfect post award. It is pretty darn funny, and makes the day I had today not seem so bad. I keep re-reading that one to make me feel better!

And lastly, a shorty-but-a-goodie. Jenny, at Three Kid Circus explains what happens when you are driving away from dropping your youngest child at preschool, when you're not used to being in the car by yourself. Laugh, but beware, it could happen to you...! I think this one is my favorite. I actually snort every time I read it. (I may have a problem.)


5 people like me!:

Sandy said...

The Mary Tyler Moore post was my favorite --it's definitely a keeper!

Sandy said...

Okay...the "in the car by yourself" post -- been there, done that! (without the horn, of course...)

Kara said...

I love your new header!

Bonnie B said...

More reading material-- yeah! Thanks!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Hey, thanks for the fun new sites!

Oh, and by the way. In case anyone is interested, check out all the bloggers participating in the 2996 project this weekend
. My tribute can be found here. Thanks.

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