Friday, September 8, 2006

Nightmare...Narrowly averted.

Yesterday was just another day, or so I thought when I woke up.

I was supposed to go meet with the principal at the school that (I hope) M will be attending next year for Kindergarten. It's a cool school that our school district calls a "choice" school and has a different schedule. The kids go to school 45 days, then are off for 15, year-round. I think this school would be perfect for Miss M since she is the social butterfly and always wants to be doing something. "Where are we going today Mommy?"

The secretary had said that I should come sans kids for this meeting, so my Dad was coming out to babysit. Except after I got out of the shower the phone rang. It was my Mom. "Dad's been in an accident and won't get there in time."

My heart stopped. It sort of registered that he must be okay enough to have called my Mom, but I was still terrified that my Dad was hurt.

I thought one of my worst nightmares was coming true, and it was because I had asked him to come to my house to babysit.

Thankfully, he's fine. The other driver is fine as well and admitted his fault.

I called and cancelled my appointment and later rescheduled it for next week.

I went to Bunco last night and drank water (amid my cousin's accusations that I must be pregnant...which I'm not).

But I'm thanking God for letting my Dad stay with me and my kids for awhile longer.

4 people like me!:

Bonnie B said...

I'm glad to hear he is OK-- I wish I could ship my kids off to that school-- that schedule sounds awesome!

Karen said...

Thanks goodness he's safe. I know how important he is to you.

(And no. No secret blogs...)


Jennine said...

Heather, you've been tagged!

Kara said...

Nobody wants "the phonecall." Glad he's okay.

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